Parenting Ain't Easy, But it's Worth it!
Most mornings in our house start off with me hitting the snooze button about ten times before finally getting up to get my daughters and myself ready for the day. We always seem to be rushing out the door, sometimes forgetting to brush our hair or our teeth, but making it to school just in time before the bell rings. Things don't seem to slow down much more after "the mornig rush" either, with the house chores, and taking care of my youngest, running errands, picking my oldest up from school, getting homework done, making dinner, getting the kids ready for bed, and then getting up the next morning to do it all over again.
Quite often, usually during a tantrum or during an argument over my phone I find myself constantly questing my parenting skills; why do they argue so much? Do they spend too much time on my phone? Then as the day ensues I find that I question my parenting skills even more, like when I see a mom at the store only buying organic for her family; Are my kids eating healthy enough? Should I be buying organic? Or on the weekends when I see other moms constantly posting pictures of all these amazing things they've done with there kids, and it's only 10 am on a Saturday and I'm just getting breakfast made. Then something happens that reassures me that while I may not be the most put together parent in the world I am doing pretty dang good! My children are well taken care of, they care about others and their feelings; Just the other night when my youngest (Mia) wasn't feeling particularly well my oldest (Lani) gave Mia one of her favorite dolls to keep, so she would feel better. My children use their manners, do well in school, and show respect to others, so instead of focusing on the moments of screaming coming from the backseat, because they don't like the song playing on the radio, I have decided to focus more on the kind hearts my children have and all of the fun times we have together. Parents aren't perfect and neither are kids, all we can do as parents is our best, and to be there for our children. The truth is we don't know how our kids are going to turn out until they are adults, and then there's not much we can do. So, just keep doing your best, show your children lots of love and enjoy the screaming and crying and rushing around, because one day the house will be quiet and there won't be as many errands to run.
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